James W. Pohl Scholarship - Spring (SP5439)

Applicants for the James W. Pohl Scholarship must be graduate students working on a thesis in History. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in History and a minimum Overall GPA of 3.5, plus completed 18 hours (minimum 12 completed at Texas State University).

Applicants must provide references from two (2) people as follows

  • One from a History Advisor
  • One from the Thesis Advisor

Applicants must submit a detailed thesis prospectus approved by their thesis director with their application.

College of Liberal Arts, History, University Advancement
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please give us your estimated date of graduation.
  2. Do you have secondary certification in history?
  3. How many college credit hours have you completed at Texas State?
  4. Applicants must submit a detailed thesis prospectus approved by their thesis director with their application.
  5. Request a recommendation from a History Advisor for the James Pohl Scholarship. (Required)
  6. Request a recommendation from the Thesis Director for the James Pohl Scholarship. (Required)
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