International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS - Education Abroad) (Winter/Spring) (SI5515)

The International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS) is available to students who plan to study abroad in the spring semester.

If you are an undergraduate student enrolled at Texas State with a minimum GPA of 2.75 and enrolled full-time or a Texas State graduate student with a Texas State GPA of 3.25 and enrolled full-time, you can apply for the International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS).

Each year Texas State students receive this scholarship, with about $300,000 available annually for education abroad.

The mission of the Education Abroad Program at Texas State University is to provide students in all areas of academic interest and levels a variety of educational choices abroad. The International Education Fee (IEF) funds the International Education Fee Scholarship program and assists in that mission by making funds available to qualified students who want to study abroad. The 72nd Texas State Legislature passed the IEF Bill, giving authority to the governing boards of all higher education institutions to charge and collect a $1.00 fee from all students who register each semester or summer session. Texas State University began collecting the fee in the 1992 fall semester and was approved to raise the fee to $3.00 starting in the 2002 fall semester.

The IEF Scholarship is distributed in a competition open to all undergraduate and graduate Texas State students who meet the established eligibility requirements:

  • All undergraduate students who are currently enrolled full-time at Texas State (minimum 12 hours) and meet the minimum 2.75 GPA requirement, as well as graduate students who are currently enrolled at least full-time at Texas State (minimum 9 hours) with a minimum 3.25 GPA, and those who have been accepted into a Texas State Education Abroad program are eligible to apply.
  • First-semester transfer students must have an admission GPA of at least 2.75.
  • Freshman students with no prior GPA are not eligible for the IEFS.
  • Graduate/Post-Graduate with no graduate credits completed should have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0.
  • The scholarships shall be awarded on the basis of GPA, financial need, length of program, and prior IEFS awards for education abroad experiences.
  • Students who are on academic or disciplinary probation or suspension, and/or who have delinquent financial obligations to the University, are not eligible to receive an IEFS award.
  • All applicants must be Texas Success Initiative compliant and must attend Texas State University during the semester that precedes their education abroad program.

If you have any questions about this scholarship, please contact the Education Abroad Office at or 512.245.1967.

Education Abroad
Supplemental Questions
  1. General Policy:
    1.Academic work completed by a student in a country other than their country of origin and that can be applied toward a Texas State degree, is considered education abroad. Academic work completed by an international student at Texas State or at another school in the United States is not considered as education abroad.
    2. An education abroad program is defined as any academic program that awards university credit upon successful completion where more than one-half of the instruction occurs outside the United States (See AA/PPS 02.01.20 –formerly 2.03-). These programs are administered through Texas State Education Abroad.
    3. Students need to check with Texas State University Education Abroad to determine if the program/course qualifies for the IEFS. The IEFS may not be used for programs or courses whose “international component” is considered a field trip and/or comprises less than 50% of the course.
    4. Each scholarship recipient is required to participate in the program designated in the recipient’s application paperwork
    5. Any substantive change in the student’s education abroad program will require written notification to the chairperson of the International Education Fee Scholarship Committee.
    6. Students who do not engage in or complete their education abroad program according to their proposal are not entitled to their award even if already allocated by the IEFS Committee and must repay any award already given.
    7. The IEFS Committee may revoke an award if any of the information provided by the applicant is found not to be truthful.
    8. Intentionally falsified information will lead to disqualification from consideration for the scholarship and repayment of any scholarship money awarded.
    9. Students will return or repay scholarship funds after withdrawing from the education abroad program or should the education abroad program be cancelled. If participation in the program is terminated, students will remain responsible for all program fees and for the repayment of the IEFS award.

    I. Students must complete online IEFS application through BOSS TXST Scholarships system. The IEFS Committee has the right to request additional information.
    II. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered. Any missing document or missing/incorrect information constitutes an incomplete application. Students must ensure that their applications are complete. The International Education Fee Scholarship Committee will review and consider all applications after the posted deadline. Awards will be notified via BOSS.
    III. All students must verify the status of their IEFS application.
    IV. All students awarded a scholarship must be enrolled full-time (12 hours for undergraduates, 9 hours for graduates in fall or spring semesters; 6 hours in summer semester) in their education abroad program. Recipients must respect all the deadlines, or their scholarship may be canceled. All students must have a completed application and be officially enrolled in their respective education abroad program by the last day of the acceptance period. If enrollment is not verified, such funds will be distributed to alternate applicants. The Texas State Education Abroad Office is not responsible for contacting applicants to remind them or inform them about the procedures or results.
    V. Due to privacy rights, information about the scholarships awarded will not be provided over the phone.
    VI. IEFS recipients agree to support Texas State in its mission to internationalize our campus by participating in follow-up projects coordinated by Education Abroad such as presentations, blogs, recruiting events, photo albums, etc.
    VII. Award Criteria is calculated as follows (the value multiplied by the points).Texas State GPA multiplied by10, on the financial need (40 points - high, 35 points - medium, 30 points - low), program length (10 points -12weeks or more abroad, 5 points - less than 12 weeks) and prior recipient (10 points - first time recipient, 0 points – prior recipient).
    VIII. Scholarships will typically range from a minimum of $750 and not exceed $3,500.
    IX. Late applications will not be accepted.
    X. IEFS awards cannot be deferred. They are treated as declined. Students must reapply for the next award period.
    XI. No applicant may be considered as a substitute for another applicant’s scholarship award.
    XII. The IEFS Committee will evaluate all the applications based on the Texas State University criteria for awarding the IEFS rather than on individual circumstances.
    XIII. Financial need is determined according to the records of the Texas State Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. If a student has not submitted a FAFSA for the current academic year and his/her financial need cannot be determined, the student is ranked as having a "low" need.
    XIV. Alternate students may be considered if unaccepted scholarship funds are available. Alternate recipients will be notified during the award notification period and will be informed of the required procedures.
    XV. Each recipient is required to participate in the program described in the application during the dates indicated. If an applicant decides to participate in a different education abroad program after the scholarship has been awarded, the applicant will be required to submit written notification to the Education Abroad Office that indicates a change has been made in the student's program. The scholarship will be re-evaluated using the information of the new education abroad program. Based on the new information, the scholarship award may be reduced by the IEFS Committee to comply with the award criteria. However, if with the new education abroad program information the student qualifies for more scholarship funds, the IEFS Committee cannot guarantee the availability of the additional funds, and the student may only be eligible for the initial amount
    XVI. If a student is found not to have attended or completed an education abroad program for which a scholarship was awarded, a hold will be placed by Education Abroad on that student’s records until the funds are returned to Texas State.
    XVII. If a student does not engage in or complete the education abroad program according to the submitted application, she/he is not entitled to the award even if already allocated by the IEFS Committee and must repay any award given. In case of non-compliance with the rules and operating procedures, a hold will be placed on the student's records by Education Abroad, and the student will not be allowed to register for the next semester. In addition, this may result in the withholding of grades, transcripts, or degree until the funds are returned.
    XVIII. Course or program completion will be verified by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at the end of each semester through the academic records on file at Texas State. Questions or concerns will be corroborated in collaboration with Education Abroad. If a student, as the result a catastrophic occurrence or some event beyond the student’s control, is unable to complete a program for which funding was received, a hold will be placed on the student’s records and remain until the International Education Fee Scholarship Committee has reviewed the circumstances and rendered a determination of the legitimacy of the incomplete and whether the return of the funds is necessary.
    XIX. Graduate/undergraduate independent Texas State study, research, or internship credit: Students must include with application appropriate documents, including a brief description of proposed study with faculty endorsement and signature, as well as number of credits assigned. The independent study must be under the supervision of a Texas State faculty member and more than 50% of the course work must be completed out-of-country. All independent study programs are subject to the review and approval from Texas State Education Abroad.
    XX. Students who apply to an education abroad program in a location for which the U.S. Department of State has issued a travel advisory level 3 or 4 are not eligible for the IEFS.
    XXI. The IEFS Committee reserves the right to suspend awards to students who have selected programs that are deemed to follow insufficient academic quality and/or health and safety. Students are advised to contact Texas State Education Abroad for an updated list of programs under this status.
    XXII. The IEFS Committee strongly recommends students to keep a copy of the IEFS policies for future reference, purchase trip cancellation/delay/interruption insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances and attend any of the general information sessions offered by the Texas State Education Abroad Office.
  2. I have requested and voluntarily choose to participate in the Texas State University travel to the destination indicated on my IEF Scholarship application during the dates specified for my education abroad program. In consideration for Texas State University (“the University”) funding and/or facilitating the Travel, I (for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators) HEREBY RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS, DISCHARGE, AND OTHERWISE AGREE TO INDEMNIFY the University, the Texas State University System, their regents, employees, agents, and volunteers (collectively, “the Released Parties”) from and for any claims, demands, liability, lawsuits, injuries (including death), property damage, attorney’s fees, expenses, costs, causes of action, judgments, or awards of any kind or character (“Loss”) that may accrue, arise, or otherwise exist because of my travel and participation in the Travel. I intend this release to include any Loss sustained by a third party through whom or on behalf of whom (or whose estate) I may assert a claim, lawsuit, or cause of action.

    I understand and agree that this RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT EXPRESSLY RELEASES, HOLDS HARMLESS, CONTRACTUALLY BINDS ME TO INDEMNIFY (i.e., reimburse the Released Parties for any Loss they may sustain, resulting from a claim by a third party) and OTHERWISE EXONERATES THE RELEASED PARTIES FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR OWN NEGLIGENCE, WHETHER THAT NEGLIGENCE IS THE SOLE OR CONTRIBUTING CAUSE OF MY LOSS. I intend this release, hold harmless and indemnity to be as broad and comprehensive as possible as I do not desire that the Released Parties have any liability, directly to me, my spouse (if any), my child (if any), or indirectly to any medical provider or insurer, arising from my participation in the travel.


    My participation in the Travel is voluntary. I understand that, through this Travel, I will spend time in the aforementioned destination indicated on my IEF Scholarship application, an area that has been or may be designated as having a Travel Advisory level 3 or 4 by the U.S. Department of State. I have been put on notice that such designation means that this area may include an unstable government, civil war, ongoing intense crime or violence, and/or frequent terrorist attacks, and may be hostile to visitors from the United States. I understand that my participation includes a risk of personal injury, property damage, death or other Loss as described above. I hereby acknowledge that the U.S. State Department provides travel advisories at html
    I have been advised to view alerts and warnings prior to and during my travel so that I can remain aware of any necessary safety precautions. I am electing to participate and travel at my own risk. On behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISK OF LOSS as defined and described in the above Release, Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement.

    By agreeing to these terms, I REPRESENT that I am OVER THE AGE OF 18, I have read and understood what is written above, and that I VOLUNTARILY bind myself to the Conditions stated herein.
  3. Intent: I intend that this release and indemnity agreement bind not only me, but also my heirs, assigns, and personal representatives. I intend this as release, discharge, indemnity and promise not to sue the Releases. I further intend that this agreement be construed under the laws of the State of Texas.
  4. Are you currently attending Texas State University?
  5. Have you previously Received an IEF Scholarship?
  6. Are you a Terry Scholar?
  7. Are you currently under disciplinary probation or suspension at Texas State University?
  8. Please select the type of education abroad program you will be attending:
  9. If you are participating in a faculty-led program, please indicate the name of the leading professor.
  10. Indicate the city for your education abroad program.
  11. Indicate the country for your education abroad program.
  12. Indicate the begin date for your education abroad program.
  13. Indicate the end date for your education abroad program.
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